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Disposable urinal for men "MobiPiss"

The urinal is a bag in the form of a bottle made of high-strength polyethylene. For better liquid intake, a plastic ring is arranged on the neck, an absorbent material made of cellulose fibers and superabsorbent granules is firmly fixed inside the urinal, which firmly retains incoming moisture and odors.

Designed for use in hospitals, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, during special operations by military and law enforcement agencies, in places not equipped with stationary toilets, as well as during construction work, in traffic jams, etc.

  • compactness: small dimensions allow you to store "MobiPiss" in a travel bag, a box for personal belongings in a car, a medical bag, etc.

  • Convenience:convenient, effective alternative to reusable urinals (ducks) and in some cases incontinence products (diapers, diapers) 

  • Simplicity:easy to use, retains and prevents odor spread, does not leak 

  • Security:safe and hygienic satisfaction of the physiological needs of the body

  • Stealth:preserves the dignity of patients - men can discreetly take advantage of it


ReOxy® – device for interval hypoxic-hyperoxic therapy with biofeedback

MethodInterval normobaric hypoxic-hyperoxic therapy (IHHT) is used for treatment and rehabilitation by increasing the body's functional reserves through improved delivery and utilization of oxygen. It is based on the individually dosed use of hypoxic (with a reduced oxygen content) and hyperoxic (with an increased oxygen content) gas mixtures at normal atmospheric pressure in an interval mode - breathing a hypoxic gas mixture alternates with periods of reoxygenation (recovery).
Moderate dosed hypoxia is a factor that forces the body to activate all its resources and compensate for the discrepancy between the supply and demand for oxygen in the body.

ApparatusReOxy® is the only IHGT device in the world that has the European status of a medical device, i.e. it is registered in Europe as a medical device.

Currently, the ReOxy® therapy method is actively used in the rehabilitation of patients who have undergone COVID-19

Indications for the use of ReOxy-therapy

Respiratory diseases:

  • Bronchial asthma;

  • Chronic obstructive bronchitis;

  • Frequent acute respiratory infections

  • Rehabilitation after pneumonia

Metabolic diseases:

  • Alimentary obesity;

  • Diabetes mellitus type II;

  • metabolic syndrome

Mental illnesses:

  • endogenous depression;

  • neuroses;

  • Alcohol and drug addiction

Cardiovascular diseases:

  • Coronary artery disease;

  • Arterial hypertension;

  • cardiomyopathy;

  • Postinfarction cardiosclerosis;

  • Heart attack at the stage of rehabilitation;

  • Rehabilitation after operations on the heart and main vessels;

  • Preparation for heart surgery (hypoxic preconditioning)

Diseases of the nervous system:

  • Stroke at the stage of rehabilitation;

  • Transient ischemic attacks;

  • Vascular dementia, Alzheimer's disease;

  • Encephalopathy;

  • Cerebrobasilar insufficiency;

  • Migraine;

  • Rehabilitation after spinal cord injury

Healthy faces:

  • Increasing the functional capabilities of the body in order to prepare for intense loads and work in extreme conditions;

  • Increasing endurance, physical and mental performance;

  • Increasing resistance to stress;

  • Improving the tolerance of adverse environmental factors;

  • Prevention of the occurrence of diseases (including cardiovascular)

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